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Reviews / Before and After > Surgery Reviews+
  • Post OP 44 Days!
  • 2020-08-14 hit.15,509
  • Writer : Kim**

When I was 19 years old, whenever I opened my mouth to chew food or talk, I felt pain with a "creaking sound" from my chin, so I visited a dental clinic in the university hospital and heard shocking stories there. While the harmony between the upper and lower jaw grows together during the growing period of the average person. The upper jawbones growth but lower jawbones cannot. Thus, bottom jaw joints were not big enough that cause pain and sounds. In other words, if the surgery is not accompanied, the jawbone is already accompanied by osteoporosis, which is about the age of the grandmother, so there will be more and more difficulties in chewing.


After almost 10 years, I took up a lot of courage to prepare for the surgery. Now, I was looking for a hospital to see if some hospital could reduce the risk of side effects and I came to the EU to conduct the test and consult with them. I had feeling that I should try to trust this hospital. First, I trusted them a little more because they were not plastic surgeons, but Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon who studied in dental university. When I visited the hospital for the last time, I liked the way the anesthesiologist was present, and the patients were not too crowded and moderately quiet and staffs are being friendly to me. I am going to have surgery soon! I hope to be prettier and healthier when I done with double jaw surgery!


[Post OP Day]

My sister visited me right after surgery so she took care of me until 9 pm. I cannot imagine I go through all the suffering without my sister. Also right after surgery nurse told me that I should not fall asleep…But due to general anesthesia, gas was inside of my body, which makes me really sleep. Even though I had a painkiller, I kept feeling uncomfortable and felt like throwing up whenever the painkiller injection came into my body. Occasionally a loud cough caused blood-like chunks to spit out of my throat and nosebleeds all day long, making it hard to go crazy. After about six hours of surgery, my condition seemed to be tolerable. I was less lonely because a kind nurse visited me and checks a blood pressure check, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, etc. every one to two hours all night. I vomited so much blood that, she also changed clothes, blankets, and sheets at dawn, saying, "Some people vomit blood." The nurse must really be an angel.


I get laser treatment early in the morning and nurse provides me new care for my meal. I used long horse to drink water > new care > water. I am glad that I can swallow drink easily without any pain. After that, I walk around the hospital, I feel like I am the healthiest person in this hospital! Doctor visited me around 10am and he disinfected for me and teaches me how to wear wafer and put rubber band around my teeth. After that process, it was so difficult to breath so I called nurse for nasal spray. In addition, still facial pressure bandage is very uncomfortable for me.



Finally, I was discharged from hospital. I got deswelling laser treatment at 7 am and doctor did disinfection for me! When I wear facial pressure bandage, it was suffocating that I cannot walk anymore, so decided to go back to home without facial pressure bandage. I was so tired that I tried to fall asleep on sofa…but it failed because I do not get use to fall a deep sleep while I am sit down.



When I woke up in the morning, I felt like I will go to have an inflammation in the middle ear, just like everyone else's reviews. I feel like I cannot hear all the sound properly. The pain in my ears is getting worse today, so it is hard to wear facial pressure bandage. Still, I am practicing for about 30 minutes out of an hour and then take it out for about 30 minutes. Since I only need to wear for a week, so let us work a little harder! From today, I could wash my face, hair and took a shower alone in the morning. I am glad to live as before the surgery.



I am worried because my left ear hurts so much. When I wear facial bone pressure, it hurts like crazy, and when you take it out, I feel numb. The crazy thing is when I lie down to sleep, it is not difficulties to breathe but I feel pain my ear that it will fall off from my face. , I am worried that I will visit otolaryngologist on Tuesday after going to see a doctor from EU on Monday. The condition is getting worse and worse and worse. My ears hurt so much that it is hard to sleep for more than an hour.



Today I visited hospital for disinfection! Actually, my face look so chubby after surgery, which made me, feels like I am having depression. However, every time when I visit EU, all staffs treat me so nice which made me feel good! Those days I try to search a lot of youtube regards double jaw surgery! When I search it, people saying that after surgery patients need to practice smile well.  if they want to smile natural after surgery! I will try my best to practice it so I can smile prettier.




After a week, I started studying again because my condition and breathing were no different from usual. I don't have any symptoms of suffocating or nosebleeds as I keep looking at the book with my head down on my desk, but I'm worried that my cheeks might sag because I've been lowering my head for too long. I am not talking at all because my teeth are tied rubber bands on wafers and braces. The doctor also told me not to move my chin as much as possible until I remove the stitches. I gave up talking for a while and meditating silence because people could not understand my pronunciation. It seems to be perfect for studying because I can't even talk.




Yesterday's and today's swelling are different. I still feel like I am biting a candy on both cheeks, and my philtrum and my chin are swollen, so I have a sharp jawline. My parents told me that my face looks better than before the surgery. I used to have cold and sharp image before surgery, but now my round face looks cute and look much better. Doctor told me that I should wear facial pressure bandage often until the second week. Therefore, I try to wear it every 30 minutes and put it on for about two hours, and my jaw start to hurt as if it was going to break. I used to have weak jaws and severe joint problems, so I felt that pressure was painful. I want to remove stitches out in my mouth so I can brush my teeth.



I tried my best to wear facial pressure bandage at least more than 2 hrs a day! My skin is lack of skin elasticity that I do not want to even more sagging on my face. I still have swell on my cheek area as I am eating candy. Sometimes people ask me why my face I swelling, I just told them recently I extract wisdom teeth. Fortunately, they trust my word: ) After surgery I lost 3 kg and I really want to eat galbi!



It was first time to do make up after surgery! Since today is family movie night! I really like to see my face with make up after surgery! I do not need to edit my photo anymore! I am looking forward to see sharp jaw line soon!



When I look at other people's reviews, many people had dramatic changes that are noticeable after jaw surgery... Maybe because the surgery ended safely, I want to be prettier. Especially for me my nose looks wide after surgery that I want to do nose job too! I finally go to the hospital to remove the stitches tomorrow. I wish I could get rid of the wafer quickly. Let's work a little harder!



Today I removed stitch out. As I read from the review, my upper jaw was a little bit painful when doctor remove stitches for me. From today, I can brush my teeth and do mouth exercise after remove wafer. It was amaze that my pronunciation. I hope to remove wafer soon! From today I also need to wear rubber band on my screw area by myself : ( When I smile I feel like my right and left lip look different.



I never take a walk after surgery since I was afraid that I might faint because of lack of energy. I felt good yesterday when my consultant asked me if I usually do not get swell because I do not get swell compared to other patients. From today on, I started to eat red ginseng, nutritional supplements, beer yeast, and other health-function foods that I used to eat before the surgery. I want to eat grilled eel the most! I want to go eat as soon as possible! In addition, I want to do mouth exercise harder. .



My lips become smaller immediately after the operation but seem to return gradually after starting the mouth exercise. My lips have grown quite big. Today, I went out for an hour walk and came back home, and I think I'm definitely less swollen in the evening than in the morning.



It was first time to meet my friend after surgery. My friend told me that I look young after surgery because of swell. I could not fall a sleep because those days I have to sleep while I am sitting. I was so tired that I just do whatever I want to sleep while I am lie down… Next day my face looks very puffy, and I cannot open my mouth wide. Those days I have many scratched inside of my mouth I think because of braces devised. I just hope to remove wafer and screws inside of my mouth. In addition, I am afraid to eat that those days I only drink liquid food.




I want to eat delicious food even though I cannot chew food well as before. Finally, I can see some jaw line after swell subside. I heard that I have to watch it for six months to a year, but I think your jawline will be sharp later. I am looking forward to see change of my face little by little.



Those days I frequently speak to my friends, but sometimes they ask me that what am I eating while speak on the phone because of the pronunciation. I do not have proper pronunciation but I am glad that at least I can have communication with someone. However, I am afraid that my nose shape will change after surgery since favorite part of my face was nose.



I thought post op 1 month, doctor will remove all the screw and wager for me. Orthodontist told me that my screw is unstable and will have to wear it for another two weeks. He said that only one of the eight screws was loose and that if the remaining screws had no inflammatory reaction, he would need a rubber band-wrap device during the braces process. I think I'll start working again next week, but since I talk a lot when I work, I'm very worried that I won't be able to wear wafers at that time, and he said to learn how to bite properly with wafers for the rest of the time outside of working hours. I met doctor Shin, he told me that the surgery ended well, and if I look at the first-month X-ray, the bone is still less sticky and only fixed with a pin, so it will be necessary to eat the softest meal for two months. When I explained, the swelling that I was worried about, he explain to me while looking on CT that the space next to my nose still filled with blood, so it seemed to be swell.  Time heals all wounds!



It has been post op 1 month already. The orthodontist said that when I bite the wafer, I should not just engage my molars, and that you should push your front teeth so the front teeth could engage too. I have been paying a lot of attention when I bite the wafer lately. I am not sure if I am doing this well because my jaw and cheekbones are hurt because I have a lot of strength when I am try to make a right bite.. I do not want to hear that I have to wear wafers longer, so I try my best to make right bite position. Today I went to job interview, I was afraid that if interview notice that I did jaw surgery and my pronunciation is not good because of the surgery.  However, I am glad that they did not make any comment on it. The swelling looks like a candy inside of my mouth, so it looks cute. I am supposed to start work tomorrow, but I wonder if I can do it well. I will take good care of my condition and work carefully so that I do not overdo it.




I start to go to work again as before I do the surgery. When I go to work, I remove water, when I get off from work I wear wafer again. I can feel that my bite is unstable since I spend many hours with wafer. I do not feel discomfort when I wear wafer. Those days I ate late night meal such as hamburger, chicken, pizza.. I know that I should not eat that food but my office order the food for me so it made me to eat it. I am afraid that food will effect on my jaw surgery result because of food!  In addition, nighttime my face look so natural since swelling has subsided. 

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